Commodore VIC 20 / VIC 1001 registry

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Made in West Germany in Braunschweig for the European and Australian market (except Germany and United Kingdom).

Showing 173 VICs

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Serial number Made in Label Case Motherboard Keyboard TV system Date code Location Owner
WGC 0184 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 3581 Italy Mark81
WGC 0357 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 3181 Sweden Ingo1974
WGC 0465 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 3681 Netherlands Hellooder
WGC 0591 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 4981 Netherlands Geitebok
WGC 0644 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 4981 Italy Niel68
WGC 0699 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 3681 Italy ninox
WGC 0931 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) Sweden e5frog
WGC 1023 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 2981 Netherlands Ferenc Németh
WGC 1092 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 1001006 PET style PAL (6561) Netherlands arnkanters
WGC 1112 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 4681 Netherlands HomeComputerMuseum
WGC 2318 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 4481 Sweden Peter Bornstrand
WGC 2442 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 1001006 PET style PAL (6561) 4181 Sweden Martin
WGC 2893 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 or 251037 PET style PAL (6561) Denmark Clausj
WGC 3088 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 3381 Netherlands Anthony Frishert
WGC 3137 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 4981 Netherlands kroelof
WGC 3334 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 324003 PET style PAL (6561) Sweden Anders
WGC 4560 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 1001006 with revised heatsink PET style PAL (6561) 4181 Netherlands hansdc
WGC 4798 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) Italy PaKo
WGC 6451 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4881 Sweden LaserCollector
WGC 6589 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 324003 CR (grey) PAL (6561) Sweden Arne Karlsson
WGC 7170 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4981 Sweden Hans Liss
WGC 7692 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2082 Norway Tommy Eriksen
WGC 11309 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Netherlands Geitebok
WGC 13753 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 5081 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 13924 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 5081 Italy Massimiliano Hocevar
WGC 18473 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0583 Finland MissKaisa
WGC 18701 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 5081 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 18772 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0282 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 19903 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 5081 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 20749 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy Fabbe
WGC 22775 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 5181 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 24321 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0282 Finland Mariolino
WGC 26827 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0582 Sweden Hans Liss
WGC 33050 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 324003 Eurostile PAL (6561) 4982 Netherlands arnkanters
WGC 33877 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 5081 Finland Tuomas
WGC 34234 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 1182 Sweden Hans Liss
WGC 37815 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0782 France Nick64
WGC 37978 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Finland jjniemela
WGC 42476 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2482 Sweden Hans Liss
WGC 42743 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2582 Sweden Peter Bornstrand
WGC 46512 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2782 Finland Mariolino
WGC 48546 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy ageoftrend
WGC 48775 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 1583 Italy Mark81
WGC 48814 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 1001006 with revised heatsink CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2882 Italy Fabio Fattini
WGC 49095 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2382 Italy ppp
WGC 49238 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 1982 Italy Emanuele P.
WGC 50978 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 4882 Australia merser
WGC 53590 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4982 Sweden Hans Liss
WGC 55395 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4682 Australia merser
WGC 58912 W. Germany Vic label Short / 1 324003 Eurostile PAL (6561) 4982 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 59428 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 Eurostile PAL (6561) 4682 Sweden Magoo
WGC 60849 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 Eurostile PAL (6561) 0283 Sweden Groth
WGC 61820 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 324003 Eurostile PAL (6561) 0283 Netherlands Geitebok
WGC 63647 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 Eurostile PAL (6561) 0483 Italy IZ8DWF
WGC 63747 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 Eurostile PAL (6561) 5182 Italy ninox
WGC 67947 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 or 251037 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Sweden Magoo
WGC 72120 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4682 Finland Tuomas
WGC 72444 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4483 Finland Tuomas
WGC 89284 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2083 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 89382 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 or 251037 Eurostile PAL (6561) Italy Jacopo Giannoni
WGC 90207 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2183 Germany vossi
WGC 91849 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4982 Sweden Ankh
WGC 96501 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 Eurostile PAL (6561) 2883 Netherlands SNIKHAAS
WGC 97396 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 Eurostile PAL (6561) 2683 Italy Alessandro Ceralli
WGC 98341 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2883 Italy Alessandro Ceralli
WGC 101717 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2483 Finland Tuomas
WGC 102326 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2483 Finland Tuomas
WGC 103218 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0383 Netherlands arnkanters
WGC 104765 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 Eurostile PAL (6561) 2583 Italy Emanuele P.
WGC 105865 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 or 251037 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Sweden Magoo
WGC 108824 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 Eurostile PAL (6561) 2583 Unknown No One
WGC 113451 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3183 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 120014 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2983 Sweden tafens
WGC 125816 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2983 Italy c.moris
WGC 131408 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3283 Italy Verz!!!
WGC 133338 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3283 Denmark taunusanden
WGC 144516 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3883 Italy Salvatore Cucinella
WGC 144949 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 or 251037 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy vic20k
WGC 147436 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 1001006 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Denmark Jørgen Søgård
WGC 147470 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3883 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 148647 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3283 Sweden Peter Karlsson
WGC 150533 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2083 Italy Francesco Greco
WGC 150666 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0684 Denmark Peter Aaslev Olsen
WGC 151657 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 1001006 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy Fabbe
WGC 153029 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3983 Finland Mariolino
WGC 156913 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 2883 Denmark taunusanden
WGC 162376 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 1001006 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy Enzo Cutrone
WGC 163703 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3283 Denmark taunusanden
WGC 163805 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 1001006 CR (grey) PAL (6561) Denmark Jørgen Søgård
WGC 164550 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 or 251037 Eurostile PAL (6561) 0685 Denmark Clausj
WGC 166576 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3283 Denmark CasualCommodore
WGC 166950 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 1001006 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Denmark Jørgen Søgård
WGC 173799 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4083 Italy Mark81
WGC 175518 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) Italy Nello
WGC 176981 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) Italy wallaceer
WGC 180366 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 1001006 CR (grey) PAL (6561) Italy Enzo Cutrone
WGC 181393 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4283 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 182127 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3983 France DarwinNE
WGC 189595 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) Italy Piero Fenaroli
WGC 190536 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy NitroWheels
WGC 193084 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 8341 Italy Pasky
WGC 194098 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4183 Italy Paolo Dallavalle
WGC 201493 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4683 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 205552 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2083 Italy Alessandro Ceralli
WGC 213706 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 or 251037 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy Antonino Porcino
WGC 219942 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4483 Italy Retropotenza
WGC 221955 Japan Vic label Short / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0484 Italy Marco Fanciulli
WGC 222743 W. Germany Vic label Short / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0184 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 226115 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4283 Finland Mariolino
WGC 227018 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4782 Finland Tuomas
WGC 234022 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0284 Netherlands fusionsynth
WGC 236124 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0384 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 239109 W. Germany Vic label Short / 1 1001006 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy Cmodorvic20
WGC 242406 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy Fabbe
WGC 243756 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2383 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 253885 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2383 Italy Giuseppe
WGC 259153 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0784 Italy Fabio Fattini
WGC 260387 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4183 Italy Marco Fanciulli
WGC 261562 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0584 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 262312 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 1001006 CR (mustard) NTSC-J (6560) Italy Genovese1830
WGC 264077 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0684 Italy Verz!!!
WGC 266252 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 2883 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 268982 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0584 Denmark Peter Aaslev Olsen
WGC 271014 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0584 Italy Giacomo Vernoni
WGC 271280 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0 Italy saccublenda
WGC 273471 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4084 Hungary Levente Hársfalvi
WGC 276612 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3283 Spain Luis Soto
WGC 278137 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0784 Finland Mariolino
WGC 279649 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4183 Finland Tuomas
WGC 280321 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 or 251037 Eurostile PAL (6561) Netherlands KGE
WGC 283424 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy NitroWheels
WGC 283619 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 2383 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 284154 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 8406 Italy Pasky
WGC 284996 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 2483 Norway kakemoms
WGC 286333 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3883 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 291730 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4883 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 293594 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3283 Italy Nicholas Chiriacó
WGC 293681 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0684 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 295218 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4483 Italy Giacomo Vernoni
WGC 297093 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0984 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 300289 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 2683 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 300610 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0784 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 302647 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 Eurostile PAL (6561) Italy NitroWheels
WGC 303066 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0784 Unknown No One
WGC 303819 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3283 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 306186 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0784 Italy Gabriele Zucchetta
WGC 310118 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0784 Italy Thomas Mazzi
WGC 311289 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0684 Italy Giacomo Vernoni
WGC 313494 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3683 Italy SiliconSimon
WGC 313827 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 1084 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 314704 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3783 Italy mgio69
WGC 319995 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 1001006 CR (grey) PAL (6561) Italy Enzo Cutrone
WGC 325363 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) Finland Mariolino
WGC 329225 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4982 France LandotOmunn
WGC 335176 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4683 Italy Alfredo Nunzio Caruso
WGC 339944 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 1001006 PET style NTSC-J (6560) Italy Andrea Luca Curti
WGC 341294 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0684 Italy kaffeine
WGC 343573 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 1984 Italy Verz!!!
WGC 347406 W. Germany Vic label Short / 4 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) Italy lucam74
WGC 347944 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3583 Italy kevin8
WGC 351640 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 1001006 CR (grey) PAL (6561) Italy Paolo Vendramin
WGC 355991 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 1884 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 356944 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3083 Italy Retropotenza
WGC 358314 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0984 Italy Francesco Onorati
WGC 360135 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0883 Italy ZakkRR
WGC 360359 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3184 Italy Mauro Filia
WGC 362884 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 251037 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy Piero Fenaroli
WGC 363745 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy NitroWheels
WGC 367770 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 1483 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 368217 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0684 Italy Mauro1269
WGC 371801 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 2184 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 374737 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 Eurostile PAL (6561) 2084 Italy Vittorio Taccogna
WGC 375444 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4683 Italy Giacomo Vernoni