Commodore VIC 20 / VIC 1001 registry

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Showing 20 VICs

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Serial number Made in Label Case Motherboard Keyboard TV system Date code Location Owner
106983 Japan Vic label Short (1001) 1001006 with revised heatsink 1001 NTSC-J (6560) 5080 Italy Luca Cusani
504828 Japan Vic label Short / 1 1001006 with revised heatsink PET style NTSC-M (6560) 4481 Italy Luca Cusani
510283 Japan Vic label Short / 1 1001006 with revised heatsink PET style NTSC-M (6560) 2381 Italy Luca Cusani
P 1099877 USA Vic label Tall / 3 250403 or 251037 Eurostile NTSC-M (6560) Italy Luca Cusani
RP 0012667 USA Vic label Tall / 3 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) NTSC-M (6560) 4882 Italy Luca Cusani
C 288149 Canada Vic label Tall / 2 324003 CR (mustard) NTSC-M (6560) 3883 Italy Luca Cusani
WGA 9657 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 PET style PAL (6561) 4581 Italy Luca Cusani
WGA 18232 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4781 Italy Luca Cusani
WGA 43840 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4982 Italy Luca Cusani
WGA 100377 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 Eurostile PAL (6561) 2683 Italy Luca Cusani
WGB 74863 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 1382 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 19903 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 324003 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 5081 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 201493 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4683 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 236124 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0384 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 293681 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0684 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 303819 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3283 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 313827 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 1084 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 355991 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 1884 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 371801 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 2184 Italy Luca Cusani
UKB 362298 England Vic label Tall / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4283 Italy Luca Cusani