Commodore VIC 20 / VIC 1001 registry

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Label for some of the cost reduced VICs: metallic with dark background and rainbow stripes, with a thinner font.

Showing 31 VICs

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Serial number Made in Label Case Motherboard Keyboard TV system Date code Location Owner
P 1696096 USA Vic label Short / 4 324003 CR (grey) NTSC-M (6560) 3582 Australia Port-Retro-Refurbs
WG 166950 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3883 Denmark taunusanden
WGB 184641 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2083 Spain Luis80
WGB 194679 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Australia Chris Beach
WGC 89284 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2083 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 89382 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 or 251037 Eurostile PAL (6561) Italy Jacopo Giannoni
WGC 96501 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 Eurostile PAL (6561) 2883 Netherlands SNIKHAAS
WGC 101717 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 2483 Finland Tuomas
WGC 103218 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 or 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0383 Netherlands arnkanters
WGC 104765 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 Eurostile PAL (6561) 2583 Italy Emanuele P.
WGC 113451 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3183 Italy Alessandro Liberalato
WGC 144949 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 or 251037 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy vic20k
WGC 148647 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3283 Sweden Peter Karlsson
WGC 150666 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0684 Denmark Peter Aaslev Olsen
WGC 151657 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 1001006 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Italy Fabbe
WGC 153029 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3983 Finland Mariolino
WGC 156913 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 or 251037 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 2883 Denmark taunusanden
WGC 163703 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3283 Denmark taunusanden
WGC 166576 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 3283 Denmark CasualCommodore
WGC 166950 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 1001006 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) Denmark Jørgen Søgård
WGC 193084 W. Germany Vic label Tall / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 8341 Italy Pasky
WGC 201493 W. Germany Vic label Short / 2 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4683 Italy Luca Cusani
WGC 221955 Japan Vic label Short / 1 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 0484 Italy Marco Fanciulli
WGC 271014 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0584 Italy Giacomo Vernoni
WGC 276612 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 3283 Spain Luis Soto
WGC 278137 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0784 Finland Mariolino
WGC 279649 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 4183 Finland Tuomas
WGC 295218 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (mustard) PAL (6561) 4483 Italy Giacomo Vernoni
WGC 358314 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0984 Italy Francesco Onorati
WGC 360135 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 CR (grey) PAL (6561) 0883 Italy ZakkRR
WGC 374737 W. Germany Vic label Short / 3 250403 Eurostile PAL (6561) 2084 Italy Vittorio Taccogna