VIC 1001 Serial number 100282
This VIC is owned by Chris Beach and located in Australia.
It was added to the registry on January 22, 2025.
Made in Japan
All the VICs made in Japan had no serial number prefix. Japanese VIC 1001 serial numbers start from 100000.
VIC 1001 label: metallic with gold background and dark brown print.
Early VIC 1001 short case with a single row of ventilation slats on the bottom case. All the rear ports have a bevel. Small Hooks.
Motherboard assembly number (assy)
1001006: First motherboard, made in Japan.
VIC 1001 keyboard with katakana characters, adapted from the PET computer keyboard. The font on the keycaps was Microgramma.
TV system
NTSC-J - Television standard used in Japanese VICs (VIC IC 6560)
Date code