VIC 20 Serial number P 633828

This VIC is owned by samwarr and located in United States.
It was added to the registry on January 19, 2025.

Made in USA
Made in USA in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

First North American label: metallic with gold background and dark brown print.

Short case with four rows of ventilation slats on the bottom case, bevels on the rear ports and large hooks.

Motherboard assembly number (assy)
324003: First major revision with a complete redesign of the board. Fabrication number is 324002-01 for NTSC and 324002-02 for PAL.

Complete redesign of the keyboard, used on many VIC 20s. Mustard function keys.

TV system
NTSC-M - Television standard used in North American VICs (VIC IC 6560)

Date code