VIC 20 Serial number 531934

This VIC is owned by Giacomo Vernoni and located in Italy.
It was added to the registry on May 24, 2020.

Made in Japan
All the VICs made in Japan had no serial number prefix. North American VICs made in Japan start from 500000.

Less common variation of the North American label: metallic with silver background and dark brown print.

Short case with three rows of ventilation slats on the bottom case, used on late VIC 1001 and early US VICs. All the rear ports have a bevel. Small Hooks.

Motherboard assembly number (assy)
324003: First major revision with a complete redesign of the board. Fabrication number is 324002-01 for NTSC and 324002-02 for PAL.

Early keyboard adapted from the PET computers. The font on the keycaps was Microgramma.

TV system
PAL - Television standard used in European and Australian VICs (VIC IC 6561)

Date code